Děčínská scéna

napsal spolek @ 22.12.2008 15:57:06.

Chybí něco v seznamu? Je něco jinak? Napište komentář, děkujeme.

DC současné kapely a interpreti

Bananas Drink | google |
Bloody Diarrhoea | web | bandzone | google |
BLU-82/B | bandzone | myspace | mkmb | google |
Blueser | bandzone | google |
Blues pro Karla Kryla | web | bandzone | google |
Collegium Verbascum | web | google |
Crimson Cubby | bandzone | rockmag | google |
Čachochbili | web | bandzone | freemusic | google |
Černý Pepr | bandzone | google |
D.C.P. | bandzone | google |
DC Ground | web | facebook | google |
Decadesh | muzikus | google |
Děčínský pěvecký sbor | web | google |
Děčínský symfonický orchestr | web | google |
Destroyself | web | bandzone | google |
Drumsala | google |
Duan Berry | bandzone | google |
Duboss.bud | bandzone | google |
Duo Červánek | google |
Electric Blue | bandzone | myspace | mkmb | google |
Eric Draven | bandzone | myspace | google |
Fastness | bandzone | google |
Fleshless | web | myspace | bandzone | google |
Fluid Culture | bandzone | myspace | facebook | google |
Fuck off | web | bandzone | google |
Garance | web | google |
Harambe | web | bandzone | freemusic | google |
Headline | web | bandzone | freemusic | google |
Iziband | bandzone | freemusic | muzikus | google |
Jack Siuh | web | bandzone | google |
Joywork | myspace | stage | bandzone | google |
Junior Jazz Band | bandzone | google |
JZD | bandzone | stage | rockmag | google |
k.seek | google |
Kruhová záležitost | web | bandzone | facebook | google |
Mace Windu | bandzone | google |
Madlot | bandzone | google |
MM Top | web | muzikus | google |
Natruc | google |
Nearlanders | bandzone | myspace | muzikus | google |
Nekrolog | web | bandzone | rockmag | google |
New r.č. | web | muzikus | google |
Nocturnal Emission | web | bandzone | myspace | google |
Noiz | bandzone | google |
Obscurum | bandzone | rockmag | google |
Old Good Tom | bandzone | google |
Ondřej Mataj | web | bandzone | myspace | google |
OS Con-brio | web | google |
Phobia sound system | web | google |
Pozitivní deviace | web | bandzone | purevlm | facebook | google |
Půjčovna iluzí | bandzone | google |
Rodinné trio Waldaufovy | web | google |
Saigon Project | bandzone | google |
Saky paky | bandzone | google |
Sestry Steinovy | web | facebook | google |
Sklap | bandzone | google |
Solideo | web | google |
Soul Collector D.I.E. | bandzone | google |
Soused Bimbo | bandzone | google |
Starý dobrý cirkus | google |
Strange Brew | bandzone | google |
Šáron | web | bandzone | google |
Štěwoň | bandzone | google |
Tabula Rasa | bandzone | google |
The Beagles | google |
The Rays Of The Sun | web | bandzone | myspace | google |
The Vixbreakers | bandzone | google |
Top ten sexy | bandzone | google |
Triky z elektriky | web | bandzone | google |
Trojbocí šatnáři | bandzone | google |
U Style | web | muzikus | google |
VivaR | bandzone | google |
Vodopaad | web | bandzone | twitter | facebook | google |
Vomiště | web | muzikus | rockmag | google |
Way to the Nowhere | bandzone | google |
Wittgenstein circle | bandzone | google |
wRm | myspace | bandzone | google |
Wydle | web | rockmag | google |
Yxes Joke | web | bandzone | google |

DC minulé kapely a interpreti

4 promile | web | google |
BAF & that sort of stuff | bandzone | google |
Bílá tma | google |
Black Grass | rockmag | google |
Creeps | bandzone | google |
Crillee | google |
DC-Termit-2 | google |
Deat House | web | google |
Děčínské panoptikum | web | google |
Dolorez Hazeová | google |
Elipsa | google |
Fail | google |
Feel the Fire | web | bandzone | rockmag | google |
Graveyard Rejects | bandzone | google |
Huberta | google |
Chiquita | web | rockmag | google |
Chytání | google |
Ješitný Jolan | google |
Juwel folk | web | google |
Kids in space | google |
Killhim! | web | bandzone | freemusic | google |
La Huerte | google |
Láska | google |
Led se zelim | google |
Lost Soul | bandzone | google |
Loutkové divadlo | google |
Lovely Margaret | google |
Lucy in the Sky | google |
Lunchbeat | google |
Mad staf | google |
Malinově červené autíčko | google |
Na louce | google |
Nightmare | web | rockmag | google |
Out dent | google |
Papaya Days | bandzone | rockmag | google |
Parkování také vzadu | bandzone | google |
Pod peřinou je smrad | google |
Porucha zvuku | google |
Positron | google |
Prs-ty | google |
Puffbox | web | google |
Rudý koutek | google |
Sagaris | web | bandzone | google |
Shut up and dance | myspace | google |
Sklad 04 | google |
Smíšený zboží | google |
Studená fronta | google |
Sweet 17 | bandzone | google |
Tears Of Those | myspace | rockmag | google |
Tei Purinui | google |
The Arythmics | rockmag | google |
The dot product | facebook | google |
There´s Nobody Home | bandzone | google |
The Slope | bandzone | google |
The Subwert | web | google |
Thorax | google |
Today we started revolution | google |
Torment Anathomy | google |
Vain hopes | myspace | rockmag | google |
VO.I.D | web | google |
Zaraband | web | google |
Zkrácenej záznam | google |
Zvrator | google |
Železobetton | web | google |

DC hip pouliční styly

All Star A.K.A. Little Rabbit | bandzone | google |
Bloody | bandzone | google |
CrissW | bandzone | google |
Daktr | bandzone | myspace | google |
DC Alternative | stage | bandzone | myspace | google |
DC Element | web | google |
Death State | stage | google |
Dios-crew | bandzone | google |
DJ Phanaticz | bandzone | google |
Element Community | bandzone | google |
enzim1 | bandzone | google |
Fate | bandzone | google |
Free Hand | web | bandzone | google |
Gootyk | bandzone | google |
Hasty Slipp | bandzone | google |
MC Bivi | bandzone | google |
MC Luxus | bandzone | mkmb | google |
MC Rendy | bandzone | google |
MC Skřivi | bandzone | freemusic | google |
Metaforik | bandzone | google |
Mexiko | bandzone | google |
Nord Side Rap | bandzone | google |
Petey Bax | bandzone | google |
polmiikk | bandzone | google |
Rapertoars | bandzone | google |
Raprodux | bandzone | myspace | stage | google |
Rapway | bandzone | google |
Retro | bandzone | google |
Royal crew | web | bandzone | google |
S!la Stoky | bandzone | google |
S.H.A.D.E. | bandzone | google |
Saint.Jay | bandzone | google |
Spin | bandzone | google |
Tiny Beat | google |
True Story | bandzone | google |
Zippy | bandzone | google |

DC hudební kluby, podniky

Arena music club | web | google |
Biograff | web | google |
Club Gorilla | bandzone | google |
Čajovna Ve vlnách | web | facebook | google |
Garage | web | facebook | google |
La Boba | web | facebook | google |
Music club Beseda | web | google |
Rock club Peklo | web | google |
Rockers club Palermo | facebook | google |
S-centrum | web | google |
SD Střelnice | web | google |
Škuner | web | google |
Zámek Děčín | web | google |
Zarabanda | web | google |

DC další

365dní.cz | web | google |
Alkopro | web | google |
Beetle Agency | web | bandzone | google |
beg.blog.cz | web | google |
Beztelevize | web | google |
děčín.cz | web | google |
Děčínský kurýr | web | google |
fundekave.net | web | google |
Kulturní Děčínsko | facebook | google |
Maňas Production | web | google |
Noty děčínska | web | google |
Nové ústecké přehledy | web | google |
Sedmička | web | google |
Týdeník Princip | web | google |
VstupenkaDěčín | web | google |
WayOut | web | google |
ZUŠ Děčín | web | google |


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